A two-year-old girl stole popcorn from Prince Harry

A little girl stole popcorn for a minute from an unsuspecting 33-year-old heir to the English crown, while he is busy talking.

The video has become popular on the Internet, where a two-year-old girl steals popcorn from British prince Harry. This was reported by The Telegraph.

The video was recorded on the "Undefeated Games" - an international sports contest for disabled military personnel. A little girl steals popcorn for a minute from an unsuspecting 33-year-old heir to the English crown, while he is busy talking.

First, Harry jokingly pretended to take the bucket, surprised by the behavior of the girl, but then he treated her with a delicacy and began to make fun of him by making faces at the sight of television cameras.

Later, the journalists found out that the heroine of the video was two-year-old Emily Henson - daughter of friend of Prince Harry David Hanson, bronze champion of the Paralympic Games of 2016 and captain of the United Kingdom volleyball team at the first "Undefeated Games" in 2014.
