In a recent issue of the reality show "The Kardashian Family" speech came about 22-year-old Kendall Jenner.
The girl told that since childhood she feels anxiety, because of what she is afraid to go out into the street. This is especially exacerbated during the Fashion Week, when its day is painted by the minute. "I've been a hypochondriac since childhood, but now it's time for me to grow up." Last year, there were a lot of unpleasant things, first Kim, then me, then I had my pursuers, so I do not like to go anywhere. social networks, and this worries me very much, "the girl admits.
Mom of the 22-year-old model, Chris Jenner, tries to support her in everything, and if necessary is next to her. Fans are sympathetic to such a change of celebrity. Many people say that this is a difficult moment when I want to be alone with myself and not let anyone into my personal space. In such moments, going out into the world can be stronger than torture. The celebrity herself claims that she needs time for adaptation. After that she will return to the usual rhythm of life and will please the fans. We wish her good luck and good mood.