Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber finally broke up

According to the media, Bieber now closely communicates with the 22-year-old model Baskin Champion.

About two weeks ago, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber decided to take a break after almost half a year of the novel. As reported by E! News, the other day Gomez and Bieber parted finally.

"Selena realized that although Justin has changed in recent years, their relationship is still not perfect," the insider said. According to Western media, Bieber now

closely communicates with the 22-year-old model Baskin Champion, although sources close to the musician say that their relationship is not serious. "He thinks all the time and talks about Selene, for him this chapter is not quite finished yet," Justin's friend shared.

Bieber and Gomez first started dating in 2010. For almost three years, they several times converged and diverged and in 2013 broke up. Attempt to build a relationship artists undertook in the fall of 2017. For many fans of the star pair, these emotional fluctuations have become something of a Brazilian series, when each new series does not bring any specifics.

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