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Only an estimated 1,000 Bornean Elephants remain in the wild. Following this subspecies’ first assessment by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, Bornean Elephants have been officially classified as Endangered.Destructive logging throughout Borneo has destroyed viable elephant habitat. This deforestation has pushed the remaining population into urban landscapes in search of food, increasing human-wildlife conflict. Following this recent assessment, conservationists are working to help manage elephant forests, identify elephant corridors and maintain critical forest areas to ensure this subspecies does not go extinct.The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ now includes 163,040 species, of which 45,321 are threatened with extinction. This milestone surpasses the Barometer of Life goal to assess 160,000 species globally. Visit the link in bio to learn more.Photo credit: Cede Prudente, Getty Images
07/09/2024 03:12
Masungi is a lush montane rainforest landscape outside of Manila, the bustling capital of the Philippines. In the late 1990s, much of Masungi was illegally deforested. Local communities fostered the development of the @masungigeoreserve, spurring efforts to restore this precious ecosystem. From these conservation initiatives, trees were able to grow taller, wildlife numbers slowly increased, and more locals became involved in protecting this ecosystem. Now this success is in jeopardy, as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources threatens to cancel the agreement that protects this area from prolific land grabbing activities. This cancellation would set back the success of an internationally acclaimed conservation effort and leave the area vulnerable again to mining, logging, and illegal developments. Join local rangers in calling on President @bongbongmarcos to intervene and continue to protect Masungi. Conservation successes like Masungi serve as a reminder that the Philippines can become a leader in sustainability, eco-tourism, biodiversity protection, and climate action. Protect Masungi Georeserve - link in bio. Photo credit: Renz Perez for Masungi Georeserve Foundation - [Left to right] Monica Inonog, John Paul Magana, and Kuhkan Maas lead a team of forest rangers, tasked with protecting critical areas plagued by illegal activities inside the Masungi Georeserve. Video credit: Kal Joffres
07/03/2024 08:52
A new analysis revealed that 126 bird species are lost to science. But bird biologists are hoping to change that number with the help of the world’s birders.The Search for Lost Birds, a collaboration between my organization @rewild, @americanbirdconservancy, and, analyzed more than 42 million photos, videos, and audio recordings from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s (@cornellbirds) Macaulay Library, @inaturalistorg, and Xeno-canto, and consulted local experts about lost birds. Of the 11,849 known bird species, 126 are considered lost, which means they have not had any documented sightings for at least 10 years.Citizen scientists and birders were crucial in helping determine which species are lost to science, and they might also be able to help rediscover lost species. Visit the link in bio to learn more.Photo credits: Dusky Tetraka, John C. Mittermeier & Urich’s Tyrannulet, David AscanioThe Search for Lost Birds is supported by @allbirds #SearchforLostBirds #LostBirds #BirdConservation #CitizenScience #WildlifeConservation #Rewild #BirdLifeInternational #AmericanBirdConservancy
06/25/2024 03:04
The world’s rarest marine mammal is closer to extinction than ever before. This year’s Vaquita survey has been released - scientists spotted between 6-8 individuals, the lowest number ever reported. Learn more - link in bio. Collaboration between local communities and conservationists must be scaled up to ensure marine wildlife hunting practices can sustain locals without harming Vaquitas. @rewild is committed to helping protect this species on the brink by aiming for a full Vaquita recovery, supporting @seashepherdsscs and Vaquita-safe fishing gear and markets with @cetaceos_accion_transformacion, @pescaabc, @pronaturanoroeste, and @rescatandolapesca.Positive steps ahead to save the Vaquita include: using improved acoustic detection devices, measuring Vaquita environmental DNA (eDNA) in the water column to detect and locate other individuals, expanding habitat protection, and training local youth to help monitor the last remaining Vaquitas.Credit : @conanp_mx, @nmmfoundation, Sea Shepherd, Fabian Rodriguez
06/20/2024 01:00
Hydropower dam construction in Nepal threatens one of the Earth’s most pristine places - home to Snow Leopards and Endangered Red Pandas. The local communities are urging the Nepalese Supreme Court to halt these construction plans on the sacred rivers of the Lungba Samba Biocultural Heritage Special Conservation Zone.The magnificent Chhujung, Chhunjam, and Bakhang Rivers are deeply sacred for the Lhomi Singsa and Bhote people, who are among the most marginalized Indigenous Peoples of Nepal. These groups sustain their livelihoods through farming and collecting medicinal herbs and other non-timber forest products while honoring the land.If constructed, these dams would be a clear violation of the Lungba Samba Biocultural Heritage Special Conservation Zone Act and Procedure enacted by the first elected local government in 2020, which prevents destructive hydropower, road building, and mining practices.Help the Lhomi Singsa and Bhote people continue to be guardians of this vital landscape like they have for generations - link in bio.Photo credit: The Lungba Samba Community
06/18/2024 02:03
Help save the Maugean Skate from Extinction - link in bio.Threatened by industrial non-native Atlantic Salmon farming, this species is being pushed to the brink as salmon pens invade their only remaining habitat on Earth. Maugean Skates only live in one shallow estuary off the Tasmanian coast after thriving on Earth for over a million years. Pollution from salmon farming has stripped oxygen from these waters, making it difficult for these rays to survive.@bobbrownfoundation is leading a campaign to save one of the most threatened rays in the world - helping to prevent them from becoming the first extinction driven by industrial farmed fish practices.Help save the #MaugeanSkate - link in bio - your action ensures this species can thrive like it has for millions of years.Media credit: Neville Barrett and Bob Brown Foundation#WorldOceanDay #oceanclimateaction
06/07/2024 10:57
Burning wood pellets for energy is devastating forests, communities, and wildlife in the Southern United States. Take action against this harmful industry - link in bio.Often falsely labeled as a ‘climate solution’, growing trees and then burning them for electricity releases more climate-warming pollution than even coal and relies on clearcuts of native forest ecosystems. Every year, biomass facilities in the American South turn 22 million tons of trees into wood pellets, most of which are shipped overseas, including to the European Union. Wood pellet plants emit toxic dust that contains volatile organic compounds, acrolein, and methanol. These pollutants can cause asthma and respiratory illnesses in nearby communities, which are usually made up of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Peoples. Most of these trees are cut down in the North American Coastal Plain where over a dozen Key Biodiversity Areas are found - which are critical to the persistence of biodiversity and vital to the health of all life on Earth, including our own. This destruction threatens habitats such as bottomland hardwood and native pine forests, home to many threatened species such as the Critically Endangered Red Wolf, Frosted Flatwoods Salamander, and Red-cockaded Woodpecker. Click the link in bio to take action with @southernenvironment to help halt the damage done by this biomass industry for our climate and communities.Photo credit: @cornwhizzle
06/03/2024 07:02
New York could become the first U.S. state to prevent its public procurement from driving tropical deforestation, defending the planet from further climate catastrophe and ecological breakdown.The NY TREES Act would require companies contracting with state and local governments to prove their supply chains are not contributing to tropical deforestation or associated abuses of human rights. This policy follows in the footsteps of the European Union, which enacted its own economy-wide deforestation regulations in June 2023.Visit the link in bio to support @govkathyhochul in signing the NY TREES Act into law to deliver on this vital climate action.Photo credit: @robindmoore
05/29/2024 01:32
After being lost to science for 36 years the Big Puma Fungus has been rediscovered in Chile as a part of @rewild Search for Lost Species.With the help of local mushroom enthusiasts and the @fungifoundation - Re:wild has announced the first-ever fungi species to be rediscovered in the #SearchforLostSpeciesThe Big Puma Fungus is a mysterious species of fungi that lives underground in Chile’s Nahuelbuta Mountains. Expedition team members even think that the mushrooms of the fungus might only be visible above the soil for just a few days each year.Visit the link in bio to view the short film by Chilean filmmaker Catalina Infante that captured the wonder of the expedition, as well as the moment when the team found the Big Puma Fungus with the local community.Photo credit: @catainsk, Fungi Foundation
05/23/2024 04:37
Against all odds, threatened species continue to thrive within the borders of the Kayapo Indigenous territory. In Brazil’s Para state, industrial expansion borders the forested territory of the Kayapo people. The rich biodiversity of their nearly pristine rainforest is a testament to the courage, determination, and organization of the Kayapo people. Endangered species such as the Giant Otter and White-cheeked Spider Monkey serve as indicators of ecosystem health, their survival depends on healthy ecosystems free of deforestation and pollution. The Kayapo people are guardians of the Amazon Rainforest. Learn more about the conservation success of the @kayapoproject and their work to help protect Kayapo territory and preserve corridors for threatened species - link in bio! #EndangeredSpeciesDay #EndangeredSpeciesVideo credit: @coletivobetureCover images: @martinschoeller
05/17/2024 01:05

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