Instagram Natasha Poly
Dreams become reality, when passion meets creativity ???? Beyond grateful for this cover and story @voguefrance ❤️Photographer: @willyvanderperre Stylist: @alastairmckimm Make-up: @karinwesterlundd Hair Stylist: @louisghewy Manicure: @yohshe Head of Editorial Content: @clairethomsonjonville Global Creative Director: @raulmartinez1024Global Talent Casting Director: @morgansenesi
01/22/2025 07:18
This was so fun ???? Thank you @voguefrance for making me a part of this December issue! Photographer: @anthonyseklaoui Stylist: @alastairmckimm Hair: @olivierschawalder Makeup: @markcarrasquillo Manicure: @loradesousa Global Contributing Editor: @clairethomsonjonville Global Creative Director: @raulmartinez1224Global Talent Casting Director: @morgansenesi Journaliste, Social & Video Editor At-Large: @hugocmpn Video Development : @louisedesligneris Social Media Manager: @clemencemouline Production: @ctzar Producer: @nahema.fryer Director & Editor: @nathancahen DOP: @alvaroleonelcastro Colorist: @pierbrier
12/06/2024 11:42
Why is @NatashaPoly one of the ultimate Vogue France girls? She trusts her intuition, which has landed her some of the most defining moments of her career… Spoiler: it involves two Vogue France covers and a few Galliano shows. All of her secrets and more, from beauty to personal philosophy, can be found in the full episode of our Interview Tapes, on the link in bio. Production: @CTZARProducer: @nahema.fryerDirector & Editor: @nathancahenDOP: @alvaroleonelcastroJournalist, Social & Video Editor At-Large: @hugocmpn Stylist: @alastairmckimmHair: @olivierschawalder Art+CommerceMakeup: @markcarrasquillo @R3MGMTManicure: @loradesousa M+ASocial Media Manager: @clemencemoulineVideo Development : @louisedeslignerisGlobal Contributing Editor: @clairethomsonjonvilleGlobal Creative Director: @raulmartinez1224Global Talent Casting Director: @morgansenesiSpecial thanks to the @KimptonStHonore. #decemberjanuaryissue #interviewtapes #voguefrance
11/29/2024 04:52
Natasha ♥️ for @the.doublevision @natashapoly @luigiandiango @luigimurenu @frankieboyd @gonn24 @michael_philouze @2bmanagement #NatashaPoly #LuigiandIango #DoubleVision
10/29/2024 07:34
@ferraristyle F/W24 campaign ❤️Creative director: @rocco.iannone Photographer: @willyvanderperre Style @kjeldgaard1 Hair @francogobbihair Makeup @ariannacattarin Casting @patrizia_pilotti
09/15/2024 09:40